I don't know to you but to me I've got no issue about the gay invasion in the society. I mean, let's face it, gays are everywhere only that it's just 'now' that they became more open to express themselves for who they are. Oftentimes, there's still gender inequality for those narrow-minded ones but I guess these are the people who are oldies you know what I mean? They are the people who live in the past and that they probably find it hard to accept the fast changing world most of the time. I say to just give them our full-understanding anyway everybody's entitled for their own opinion.
Moving on, while I was browsing the net not long ago, I bumped into an article about a magazine cover that's banned for its racy topless model. I've provided the picture of the cover of that magazine, Dossier. If you wanna know where I read the article go check it here. So what do you think? Should this be ban or not? Seriously at first look my absolute answer would be yes to ban the cover cuz it's unacceptable to let models flaunt their boobies without them censored. That was my initial reaction since I thought that on the cover was a female posing with her bare naked chest out. Unfortunately I was fooled by the look of that male model. Yes, he's a guy but let's just say gay. I wanna put bi but I'm not sure about the use of that word so I went for the most common term instead. I agree that it's fine if male models would pose half naked on the cover of a magazine or on billboards or whichever print-outs you could think of but that doesn't apply to females. So if you see the model, Andrej Pejic, as a girl in the picture, it's gotta be a total ban but since he's born male then there's no universal law that could prevent him from posing that way on the cover of a magazine. But still no matter how many times I look at it the picture is so decieving that I always see a female model there. Since his chest area wasn't toned up to give them a little bit of beefiness, I immediately thought that his breasts are like that of a female that maybe lack the gift on that body part. Not to focus on his chest alone, but as you look at him you could see a feminine face and expression, don't you think so? It's not a wonder why I sided the prohibition for the publishing of that magazine issue. The picture is like I'm trying an optical illusion game or something that could usually make me flip.
I think this is prior to his magazine cover controversy, but if you remember what Rihanna is wearing during the recent Grammy Awards you should know that it was an off the runway wedding gown modeled by this gender-bending Andrej Pejic. I watched his video on youtube while he walked the dress on the catwalk, he was more beautiful than a female bride. He's even more beautiful wearing the gown than Rihanna, yes.
To make sure you know what I'm talking about here are the pics for reference.
You know, I'm thinking he is 100% taking estrogen pills or something to make his body become more womanly. I heard male who wants to look female can somehow achieve what they desire, that's apart from surgery I'm talking about. With his body as slender as a female model I wasn't amazed for getting that even though he said he stopped going to the gym to keep his built the way it is. Sure it's true he may not be holding weights, dumbbells, or barbels, but it's also with the help of some form of estrogen medication that gave his body femininity. His body's form is not an absolute gift cuz I know he had to do some working out there but with his face prettier than a flower that's his gift I'm jealous about.
If you're that curious about this dude, or this 'femiman' as what the industry would categorize him, the video is there for you to see. So how do you find him?
Hey, Rics! Kudos! This article, you wrote, is really interesting. Thank you for sharing this one. Worth reading!
Well to me, this has to be ban as well. Its the fact that yes, the picture being cast on the cover may create public clamour towards genderism, and may paramount to a more Liberal Genderism.
you have a point. maybe it cud've been better if the model was dressed. anyway he lives as a woman so it's more apparent that people would see him as a girl, not a guy... no wonder that his cover looked like one... that should be ban... or may they make a substantial cover that wouldn't spur controversy at all.
Conservative, liberal, religious, non-religious, there are certain immutable facts about gender that society has to grow up come to terms with just like it had to step out of the dark ages of believing the earth was flat.
Medical and biological experts now know that gender is a diverse, mixed bag. It has always been this way. We are just understanding it more now than ever. Nature prefers divesity in all things. That is why there are assexual, hermaphrodites, gender-changing organisms on the planet. That is why XX and XY are just one of many of the hundreds of genders represented in nature. Every year on this planet, millions of human individuals are born with congenital, chromosomal, hormonal, morphologic, genital and/or gonadal anomalies and millions more with varying psychological, emotional and sexual traits as it relates to gender.
It is 100% natural. What is unnatural is trying to force 7Billion people into one narrow mould.
I don't have proper training in writing so it's inevitable that you'll see errors here and there. But since I'm in love with writing and having this blog helps me express myself so I'm keeping this until I'm over it. Mostly my entries were about my vanities so expect my thoughts on certain products that I've tested. Oftentimes I travel too, so that's another thing you may read from time to time. Bottom line of my entries is for anyone to have an idea of the products I'm using or I've used or places I've been to. They might not be very informative at least you have the gist there. I wish to be helpful the way I can.
Hey, Rics! Kudos! This article, you wrote, is really interesting. Thank you for sharing this one. Worth reading!
Well to me, this has to be ban as well. Its the fact that yes, the picture being cast on the cover may create public clamour towards genderism, and may paramount to a more Liberal Genderism.
you've got deeper explanation as to why the mag issue should be ban. just asking, are you conservative in terms of your political views?
Yes. Because, an action may be simple but can trigger national emergence.
you have a point. maybe it cud've been better if the model was dressed. anyway he lives as a woman so it's more apparent that people would see him as a girl, not a guy... no wonder that his cover looked like one... that should be ban... or may they make a substantial cover that wouldn't spur controversy at all.
Conservative, liberal, religious, non-religious, there are certain immutable facts about gender that society has to grow up come to terms with just like it had to step out of the dark ages of believing the earth was flat.
Medical and biological experts now know that gender is a diverse, mixed bag. It has always been this way. We are just understanding it more now than ever. Nature prefers divesity in all things. That is why there are assexual, hermaphrodites, gender-changing organisms on the planet. That is why XX and XY are just one of many of the hundreds of genders represented in nature. Every year on this planet, millions of human individuals are born with congenital, chromosomal, hormonal, morphologic, genital and/or gonadal anomalies and millions more with varying psychological, emotional and sexual traits as it relates to gender.
It is 100% natural. What is unnatural is trying to force 7Billion people into one narrow mould.
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